Phillip Wong Productions

An Anatomy of an Event

          Events have many layers in the planning, the preparation, the budgets, the purchasing, the assembly, the implementation, the management and the close.

           It takes organization, direction, foresight, timelines and unlike so many other areas of production: there is no “do over.”

             Each production, film, manufacturing, construction, media, photography have elements of this: but all of them have timelines that can be postponed, extended, or revised. Events can not. Theater is similar, but most others are not.

In initial walk-through, we looked at, examined, and photographed everything.

          The most crucial part of event production is logical, practical, realistic, planning.  Assessing what needs to be done, what can be done, what we want to be done – needs to be considered with how we wish to implement this assessment.

          Without exaggeration, Phillip Wong Productions has worked with thousands (yes, thousands), of productions. In events, we have worked with the lighting, staging, electrical, structural, decor, logistics, workplace safety, catering, crew, employee, and crowd management, security, and budgeting.

          We have worked with the design and construction and implementation of build outs, and end-of-event dis-assembly.  More importantly, we have worked with all of the sub-contractors and crews to understand what their needs, and timelines are to complete varying expectations prior to, and throughout an event.

Front of the yacht club, note the tennis court on left.
Greenery wired to railings to create a more lush ambiance
We examined offices, possible storage, rooms needed for Green Rooms.
During soundcheck with Santana and Gypsy Kings, installation continues. Note chandeliers on rigging.
Reviewing furniture that could be kept, or had to be removed for storage
Preparing candelabra before installation. Construction was safety checked.
That flagstone surface was extended with staging out into the Sound.
Tables, linen, table set, truss decor, chairs, video, everything installed
Green room decor for VIP and performers is another detail.
As power gave out in a storm, decor becomes functional.

              As we work with the vendors and sub-contractors on timelines that allow sequential load-ins that would allow different teams to work at the same time, pulling together a project in modular fashions.

             This core element of Timeline Management is not unique for events, but is crucial to industry after industry. The opportunity of working in the event production business, is the sheer number of times we were able to do it to refine the process.

          In both floral and catering, the element of freshness and refrigeration adds urgency to timelines.

From small intimate events to hotel openings the timeline is similar
A proposal to General Motors for a new outlet opening
In a casino with 200 tables, for a corporate finale
NYC boutique hotel opening
As we assembled in work spaces onsite, it begins to come together
Press winetasting in NY hotel rooftop echoes CA vineyard
Specialty wineglasses, specific floral design
Creating sectional space with floral dividers.
Matching wines to menu to guide an audience.